SiriusXM Account

  • Cancel SiriusXM Subscription

    If you need to cancel your SiriusXM Radio subscription you will need to callĀ 1-866-635-5020 and speak with a SiriusXM Radio representative. If you need help or have questions please contact us at (800) 513-8554, email us at or visit our website www.Satellit...
  • Can I combine accounts?

    Yes, you can combine accounts but you will need to speak with a representative at SiriusXM in order to combine them. The number is (866) 635-5027.
  • If I already have a subscription and want to add a new radio can I get a discount?

    The answer to this question is Yes! SiriusXM offers what is called a "Family Discount" that starts at a base price of $10.99 per month if you have an active, full-price plan already on your account. To qualify for and maintain a reduced subscription rate for additional radios on your account, a...
  • Refreshing a SiriusXM Radio

    If you need a signal refresh on your radio you can go to the SiriusXM Radio Refresh Website. Be sure to have your radio ID and the receiver on when you submit for the refresh. If you need help or have questions please contact us at (800) 513-8554, email us at contactus@satelliteradiosuperstore.c...
  • SiriusXM Customer Support

    If you need help with your SiriusXM Radio subscription account then you will need to contact them directly at (866) 635-5027. They are the only ones who can assist you with account related issues. You can also login to your SiriusXM Radio account online and make changes to your account anytime. ...
  • Transferring a subscription to a new radio or receiver

    If you have purchased a new car and need to transfer your subscription to the new car then you will need to contact SiriusXM Radio directly to make the transfer. On this website you can log into your account, chat online with a SiriusXM representative, or speak with a representative who can make ...